Exploring the Lower Nature: Eschatology, Occult Significance, and Egyptian Symbolism

Hey, it's Joe from Humanfluence, here to illuminate your path and expand your consciousness! Today, we're delving into the concept of the lower nature, its relation to eschatology, and the rich symbolism associated with it in the occult and esoteric traditions, particularly through the lens of ancient Egyptian beliefs.

Understanding the Lower Nature

The lower nature refers to the primal, instinctual aspects of the human psyche. These elements are often associated with base desires, ego-driven behaviors, and the survival instincts that can overshadow higher spiritual aspirations. In esoteric traditions, mastering the lower nature is seen as crucial for spiritual evolution and enlightenment.

The lower nature includes the fundamental drives for food, shelter, reproduction, and power. While these drives are essential for survival, they can become obstacles to spiritual growth if they dominate our thoughts and actions. The goal is not to eliminate these instincts but to integrate and transcend them, transforming their energy into higher purposes.

Eschatology and the Lower Nature

Eschatology, the study of end times or ultimate destiny, often addresses the struggle between the higher self and the lower nature. Many eschatological narratives involve a purification process where individuals must transcend their baser instincts to achieve a higher state of being. This concept is prevalent in various religious and spiritual doctrines, where the end times signify a transformation or awakening that overcomes the lower nature.

In Christianity, for instance, the Book of Revelation speaks of a final judgment where souls are purified and ascend to a higher state of existence. Similarly, in Hindu eschatology, the end of the Kali Yuga (the age of darkness and strife) heralds a new golden age where higher virtues prevail. These eschatological themes emphasize the need to master the lower nature to progress spiritually.

The Occult and Esoteric Perspective

In occult and esoteric traditions, the lower nature is frequently depicted as an obstacle to spiritual enlightenment. Alchemical texts, for example, describe the process of turning base metals into gold as a metaphor for transforming the lower nature into a purified, enlightened state. The lower nature is often symbolized by earthly elements and primal forces that must be understood and transcended.

The practice of alchemy, both literal and metaphorical, involves stages such as calcination, dissolution, and coagulation. These stages represent the breaking down of the ego and the lower nature to purify and elevate the soul. The alchemist's journey mirrors our own path of self-discovery and transformation, highlighting the importance of facing and integrating the lower aspects of ourselves.

Egyptian Symbolism and Animal Totems

Ancient Egyptian mythology is rich with symbols representing the lower nature. Many deities were depicted with animal heads, embodying various aspects of human nature. For instance:

  • Anubis: The jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife represents the journey through death and the lower nature towards spiritual rebirth. Anubis guides souls through the underworld, symbolizing the process of facing and transcending our darker aspects.

  • Sekhmet: The lioness-headed goddess of war and healing symbolizes the fierce, primal forces within us that can be destructive or transformative. Sekhmet's dual nature as both destroyer and healer illustrates the potential for transformation when we channel our primal energies constructively.

  • Sobek: The crocodile-headed god embodies strength and the primal instincts necessary for survival but also the potential for chaos if left unchecked. Sobek's association with the Nile's fertile yet dangerous waters underscores the balance between creation and destruction inherent in our lower nature.

Animals in Egyptian mythology often signified the qualities humans must integrate and master. The balance between human and animal forms in depictions suggests the importance of recognizing and transcending the lower nature. This integration is key to achieving Ma'at, the ancient Egyptian concept of cosmic order and balance.

Relating to Noah's Ark: Saving All Aspects of Humanity

The story of Noah's Ark from the Bible also symbolizes the integration of the lower and higher natures. Noah is instructed to save pairs of all animals, representing the need to preserve and acknowledge every aspect of our nature. Just as Noah's Ark carries both clean and unclean animals, we must embrace all parts of ourselves, including those driven by lower instincts. The flood can be seen as a cleansing process, akin to the purification in eschatology, where the lower nature is acknowledged and integrated rather than destroyed, leading to a rebirth and a new beginning.

Integrating and Transcending the Lower Nature

Mastering the lower nature involves self-awareness, discipline, and spiritual practices that elevate consciousness. Meditation, shadow work, and mindfulness are tools that help individuals confront and integrate their lower nature. By acknowledging these primal aspects, we can transform them into sources of strength and wisdom, aligning with our higher self.

Meditation helps quiet the mind and provides clarity, allowing us to observe our lower nature without judgment. Through consistent practice, we can develop greater control over our impulses and reactions.

Shadow Work involves delving into the unconscious mind to uncover and integrate hidden aspects of the lower nature. This process can be challenging but ultimately leads to greater self-awareness and inner harmony.

Mindfulness practices keep us present and aware of our thoughts and actions. By staying mindful, we can catch ourselves when the lower nature takes over and make conscious choices that align with our higher goals.

Final Reflection

Consider this: If mastering the lower nature is key to spiritual evolution, how might embracing and transforming your primal instincts lead to a higher state of being? At Humanfluence, we invite you to explore these profound teachings and unlock the wisdom within.

For further exploration, delve into texts like "The Egyptian Book of the Dead" and "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" by Manly P. Hall, which provide deeper insights into these ancient symbols and their esoteric significance. These resources offer valuable guidance on the path to mastering and integrating the lower nature, leading to spiritual enlightenment and personal transformation..

Secrets of the Occult Anatomy of Man


The Radiant Philosopher's Stone: Alchemy's Ultimate Quest for Enlightenment


Noah's Ark - Biblical Interpretation vs Gnostic Allegory


Joe Leposa

Mission Statement:

At Humanfluence, my mission is dedicated to expanding human awareness and contributing to a more informed and enlightened world. Through this YouTube channel and other platforms, I strive to gather and organize insights from all religious, spiritual, philosophical, psychological, and historical sources. I consider myself an "aggregator" of knowledge and information, aiming to expose humanity to a comprehensive spectrum of ideas and encourage critical examination.

The information I present at Humanfluence does not necessarily reflect my personal beliefs, nor is it intended to convert or evangelize. My goal is to inform and entertain, fostering a foundation for unity, understanding, and harmony. Together, let's embark on a journey to explore the vast realms of consciousness and reality, shaping a brighter future for humanity.

Warmest regards,



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